D.A. Bragg was honored to speak at the Baptist Minsters Conference MLK Day celebration today as he discussed the importance of our investments in mental health services through our navigator programs, our new mental health legislation and how they can make our city safer.
As we honor the legacy of MLK JR, read D.A. Bragg’s op-ed in @nytimes emphasizing the importance of investing in mental health services as Dr. King “recognized treatment as the best path to keep those with mental illness, and those around them, safe.”
This morning, D.A. Bragg joined @TheRevAl at the @NationalAction’s Annual MLK Day Policy Forum at the House of Justice in Harlem as they celebrated Dr. King’s legacy.
Stay up to date and read our latest newsletter about our work fixing our laws to make us safer, combatting gun violence, and more: https://cdn.mc-weblink.sg-mktg.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-_a4014ALWa6e3pU_K7qchXUhlaA==
D.A. Bragg was honored to speak at the Baptist Minsters Conference MLK Day celebration today as he discussed the importance of our investments in mental health services through our navigator programs, our new mental health legislation and how they can make our city safer.
3As we honor the legacy of MLK JR, read D.A. Bragg’s op-ed in @nytimes emphasizing the importance of investing in mental health services as Dr. King “recognized treatment as the best path to keep those with mental illness, and those around them, safe.”
This morning, D.A. Bragg joined @TheRevAl at the @NationalAction’s Annual MLK Day Policy Forum at the House of Justice in Harlem as they celebrated Dr. King’s legacy.
3Stay up to date and read our latest newsletter about our work fixing our laws to make us safer, combatting gun violence, and more: https://cdn.mc-weblink.sg-mktg.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-_a4014ALWa6e3pU_K7qchXUhlaA==