Written Testimony: City Council Public Safety Committee, FY25 Budget & Oversight Hearings
Good afternoon, Chair Salaam and members of the Committee on Public Safety. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today regarding our Office’s Fiscal Year 2025 Preliminary Budget. We thank the City Council for its past support, the other four District Attorneys for their collaboration, and know that a safer and fairer city requires all of us working together.
Written Testimony: City Council Public Safety Committee, FY24 Budget & Oversight Hearings
Good afternoon Chair Hanks and members of the Committee on Public Safety. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today regarding my Office’s Fiscal Year 2024 Preliminary Budget. We thank the City Council for its past support, my fellow District Attorneys for their collaboration, and know that a safer and fairer city requires all of us working together.
Written Testimony: City Council Public Safety Committee, FY23 Budget & Oversight Hearings
Good afternoon Chair Kamillah Hanks and members of the Committee on Public Safety. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today regarding my Office’s Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Budget, to highlight what we are doing to address and disrupt the rise in violence in our city and the help we need to meet the challenges we face. We thank the City Council for past support, my fellow District Attorneys for their collaboration, and know that a safer and fairer city requires all of us working together.
Today we announced the indictment of Hansel Esparragoza for allegedly punching an 81-year-old woman in the face while she was walking her son’s dog in an unprovoked attack. Learn more here:
ICYMI: Raymond Kwok was indicted for stabbing a man at an East Village subway station. “New Yorkers relying on public transportation deserve to be safe. Violence in our transit system, especially with dangerous weapons, will not be tolerated.” –D.A. Bragg.
Stay up to date and read our latest newsletter about our work prosecuting sexual violence, seeking accountability for gun violence, and more: https://cdn.mc-weblink.sg-mktg.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_XpJ7vp3FkxIjrPGwfQ==
“Raymond Kwok allegedly stabbed a subway rider in a brutal attack.” – D.A. Bragg. More on his indictment for stabbing a 29-year-old man at an East Village subway station here: https://evgrieve.com/2024/10/da-bragg-announces-indictment-in-l.html
Manhattan District Attorney's Office