Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence

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I’m not sure if what happened to me is a sexual assault. What should I do?

Some victims of sexual assault may be unsure if a crime was committed. For instance, some victims do not know that in this country a husband may not force his wife to have sex with him. Some victims may not remember clearly what happened to them, particularly when drinking is involved. If you think you may have been sexually assaulted, you should make a report.

What if I’m not comfortable talking about what happened to me?

The NYPD and Manhattan District Attorney’s Office have dedicated sex crimes units with detectives and lawyers trained to handle these cases. We have extensive experience and specialized training to be sensitive to your concerns as a survivor of sexual assault. We will make you comfortable, explain the steps of the process to you, and answer your questions. Most of all, we understand that what happened to you is not your fault.

I never saw the face of the person who attacked me. Should I still report the incident?

In some cases, the victim never sees the face of the person who committed the attack. DNA evidence can prove who did the crime, even if you can’t identify anyone. In addition to physical evidence collected at the hospital, evidence collected by the police at the crime scene, such as bed linens, clothing, and items touched by the offender, can identify the person who committed the crime. The police and the District Attorney’s Office can also gather other types of physical evidence, such as surveillance videos and telephone and computer records, that can help identify your attacker.