ICYMI: D.A. Bragg, Manhattan Borough President Levine & Councilmember Powers Call On City Council To Expedite The Removal Of Dangerous Sidewalk Sheds 
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Jr., Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine and City Councilmember Keith Powers wrote an op-ed in the New York Daily News calling on the New York City Council to pass legislation that will make it easier to get sidewalk sheds down in a timely fashion, while simultaneously making sure that the sheds that are up, are safer and less disruptive.
I’m Manhattan’s district attorney. This is how I’m combatting antisemitism (Opinion) 
Manhattan has long been a center of Jewish culture and a safe haven for Jews around the world. Yet there has been a disturbing increase of antisemitism over the past year. As Manhattan district attorney — and a lifelong resident of the borough — I am extremely troubled by this increase in anti-Jewish hate.
ICYMI: D.A. Bragg, NOW-NYC Call On Legislature To Close The Voluntary Intoxication Loophole In State Rape Laws 
“In the final days of this legislative session, we implore the Assembly to join their Senate colleagues in passing this critical piece of legislation and finally correct this fundamental injustice.”
Bragg: Close the voluntary intoxication loophole (Op-Ed) 
It is not morally okay and it should not be legally permissible to have sex with someone who is so intoxicated that they cannot reasonably consent. There should be consequences for that behavior. But New York state law fails to adequately protect those individuals. That needs to change.
ICYMI: D.A. Bragg, Legal Aid Society Call On State Legislature To Increase Student Loan Aid For Public Interest Attorneys 
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. and Chief Attorney of the Criminal Defense Practice at The Legal Aid Society Tina Luongo wrote an op-ed in the Albany Times Union calling on the New York State Legislature to bolster the District Attorney and Indigent Legal Services Attorney Loan Forgiveness (DALF) Program
Commentary: Loan forgiveness program will keep more lawyers serving the public interest (Op-Ed) 
Public defenders and prosecutors typically find themselves on opposite sides. But we’re joining together to fight for a solution to a critical issue that impacts all of us: crippling student loan debt.
Stay up to date and read our latest newsletter about our work cracking down on transit crime, collaborating for safer communities, and more: https://cdn.mc-weblink.sg-mktg.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_xgwTGKxd6GKNSRkr-0t5brXha7uaQ==
Watch here on @ny1 to learn more about the hate crime indictment of a man for attacking seven women in a series of unprovoked, anti-female assaults across Manhattan.
Today we announced the trial conviction of Johnette Booker for physically assaulting and causing the death of her 15-year-old cousin. Learn more here:
“Violence in our subway system will not be tolerated, and we will continue to prosecute those who harm straphangers.” – D.A. Bragg. Read more about this indictment for a New Year’s Day stabbing via @1010WINS:
Manhattan District Attorney's Office