Twisted NYC financier dreamed about getting away with abuse, DA says — as he’s sentenced to 16 years for preying on teen girls 
A twisted Manhattan financier who preyed on teenage girls fantasized about how he could get away with the sick abuse even after his arrest — prosecutors revealed Tuesday as he was sentenced to 16 years behind bars.
Saturday Night Lights Tournament To Showcase Talent of NYC Youth & Tip off Citywide Summer Sports Activities at 136 Locations 
“Saturday Night Lights is our signature youth violence prevention program,” said District Attorney Bragg. “Our city and law enforcement partners have worked side-by-side with us to enhance and expand access to free, high-quality sports for our young people – knowing that, particularly as we enter the summer months, it is more important than ever to have safe spaces for them to play, learn, and connect. This showcase highlights what we’re all about: bringing together stakeholders from every part of the city to support our young people and provide them with opportunities for growth. Thank you to Basketball City for hosting us, and most of all, to all of our participants!”
Manhattan DA News: January 2023 Vol 2 
Holding the Trump Organization accountable, demanding accountability for violent crime, and more
Manhattan DA News: January 2023 Vol 1 
Driving down shootings & homicides, collaborating for public safety and zeroing in on transit crime.
Manhattan DA News: December 2022 Vol 4 
Reflecting on 2022, combatting gun violence, and protecting Manhattan tenants
Manhattan DA News: December 2022 Vol 3 
Investing in mental health, holding the Trump Organization accountable, and meeting our team
Stay up to date and read our latest newsletter about our work cracking down on transit crime, collaborating for safer communities, and more: https://cdn.mc-weblink.sg-mktg.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_xgwTGKxd6GKNSRkr-0t5brXha7uaQ==
Watch here on @ny1 to learn more about the hate crime indictment of a man for attacking seven women in a series of unprovoked, anti-female assaults across Manhattan.
Today we announced the trial conviction of Johnette Booker for physically assaulting and causing the death of her 15-year-old cousin. Learn more here:
“Violence in our subway system will not be tolerated, and we will continue to prosecute those who harm straphangers.” – D.A. Bragg. Read more about this indictment for a New Year’s Day stabbing via @1010WINS:
Manhattan District Attorney's Office