Monthly Archives: June 2023

D.A. Bragg Announced Prison Sentence of Andrew Young For Brutal West Harlem Stabbing

“Andrew Young repeatedly stabbed an unarmed, defenseless man in an attack.” said District Attorney Bragg. “Resorting to violence to settle disputes can lead to significant injuries for individual victims, while also destabilizing our neighborhoods as a whole. I thank our prosecutors for their excellent work in securing this conviction and seeking justice.”  

D.A. Bragg: Washington Heights Man Indicted For Manufacturing Ghost Guns & Making Threats Against Former Girlfriend

“This defendant is alleged to have made threats using weapons he easily assembled in his own apartment,” said District Attorney Bragg. “These facts, as alleged, once against demonstrate just how simple and cheap it is for someone to create their own deadly firearms, and the rapid pace of technological advancement is only going to make this process simpler. We must pass our legislation to close the 3D gun manufacturing loophole and stop the spread of digital files to proactively address the continued proliferation of these guns.”

D.A. Bragg: Joseph Sandoval Sentenced to Prison For Murdering Deliveryman Sala Miah While Stealing His E-Bike

“Joseph Sandoval robbed and murdered a hardworking deliveryman who was just trying to make a living,” said District Attorney Bragg. “Mr. Miah was a beloved family man who came to this country for a better life, and his murder devastated his community. Delivery workers are an essential part of our city, and we will not accept any type of violence against them.”