Monthly Archives: December 2023

D.A. Bragg Announces Sentencing of Jeffrey Harris For Recklessly Killing His Wife, Tammy Harris

“Jeffrey Harris betrayed his duty as a physician and as a husband by ignoring all medical evidence and advice and experimenting on his wife, leading to her slow and painful death,” said District Attorney Bragg. “Dr. Harris prevented his wife, Tammy, from being treated for lupus, and instead filled her with unnecessary prescription medications and herbal supplements that exacerbated her symptoms and left her in excruciating pain. He moved from one diagnosis to the next, finally falsifying mercury poisoning and giving her such high doses of selenium that he eventually killed her with his reckless treatment. My heart goes out to her loved ones, and in particular her children, who were pulled into Dr. Harris’s machinations. I hope they have some sense of resolution as this final chapter closes.”